News Stories
Roof Deck Installed on the Anchorage Alaska Temple
The roof deck has been installed on the Anchorage Alaska Temple, and the windows and doorways are being covered to enclose the structure. Similarly, the maintenance building that is under construction in the north corner has been enclosed in plastic sheeting. The temple stands on the site of the former Anchorage stake center, which was demolished before construction began. The currently operating temple, dedicated in 1999, is located at the south end of the property. It will be replaced with a new meetinghouse once the new temple is completed.
Installing the Roof Deck on the Anchorage Alaska Temple
Work is getting underway on installing a corrugated steel roof deck on top of the Anchorage Alaska Temple. It is the next phase of enclosing the building so that interior work can move forward in a climate-controlled environment. The smaller existing temple is still in operation at the south end of the property. It will be replaced with a new stake center once the new temple is completed.
Boarding the Window Openings of the Anchorage Alaska Temple
Heavy framing continues inside the Anchorage Alaska Temple to form the load-bearing walls and steel rafters for the roof. Wood framing for the grounds building is progressing simultaneously at the northeast corner of the property. The window openings are being boarded or covered with plastic sheeting in preparation for enclosing the structure and commencing work on the interior.
Steel Framing Inside the Anchorage Alaska Temple
Steel framing for the roof of the new Anchorage Alaska Temple has begun inside the exterior walls. The frame connects to the structural walls for the steeple, which will sit over the celestial room. The openings left at the top of the steeple walls will accommodate windows and indented corners. The current temple building stands in the background of the photograph and will continue to operate until the new building is ready.
Snow Covers the Anchorage Alaska Temple Site
Winter snow has arrived at the Anchorage Alaska Temple construction site where work continues on building the structural walls of the new temple. Once crews have enclosed the structure, heating equipment will be used to create a more comfortable working environment on the interior. The stake center that once stood where the temple is rising was demolished in late February and early March of this year. Construction of the new temple began shortly afterward.
Structural Tower Walls Rising for the Anchorage Alaska Temple
At the center of the new Anchorage Alaska Temple, structural walls are being formed for the tower that will sit over the roof. The tower's load will transfer through the walls to the concrete footings below. Most of the exterior walls for the temple have also been formed. In the background of the photograph is the current temple, which continues to operate with limited parking. Once the new temple is constructed, the old temple will be replaced with a stake center.
Wall Forms Going Up Quickly for the Anchorage Alaska Temple
The main floor walls for the new Anchorage Alaska Temple are going up quickly. The original temple, seen in the background, was constructed on a sliver of land next to the stake center that previously occupied the site. The new temple will be larger and take the prominent position on the property. Once completed, the old temple building will be razed, and a new stake center will be constructed.
Forming the Exterior Walls for the Anchorage Alaska Temple
Light-blue insulated concrete forms are going up at the Anchorage Alaska Temple construction site. The stay-in-place forms will be filled with concrete to create the exterior walls of the new building. Of the eight temples currently under renovation, three are full rebuilds including the Anchorage Alaska Temple, the Provo Utah Rock Canyon Temple, and the Stockholm Sweden Temple.
Wall Forms Rising for the Anchorage Alaska Temple
Walls forms are going up for the main level of the new Anchorage Alaska Temple while work continues on pouring the concrete footings. Concrete work is also progressing in the basement where wall forms have been set for the east and south sides. The temple is rising where a former stake center stood. The existing temple will operate throughout the construction with limited parking.
Pouring the Foundation for the Anchorage Alaska Temple
Concrete crews are pouring the footings and foundations for the new Anchorage Alaska Temple. The footings for the partial basement and baptismal font have been in place for a few weeks, and forming for the basement walls has begun. Progress is also being made on the foundation for the main floor. Construction began in April, following the demolition of the former stake center.
Forming the Footings for the Anchorage Alaska Temple
Forming is underway for the basement footings of the new Anchorage Alaska Temple, and excavation has started for the main level footings. The octagonal-shaped forms are for the footing of the baptismal font. In the background is the current temple, which will remain operational during the construction of the new building. Once construction is completed, the old temple will be replaced with a new meetinghouse.
Abundant Nature Around the Anchorage Alaska Temple Site
The gorgeous natural setting of the Anchorage Alaska Temple was captured this weekend with a stunning backdrop of dense trees and the white-capped Chugach Mountains. In the foreground is the excavation for the basement of the new temple building that will replace the current building. It is currently the only dedicated temple in the Last Frontier State, but plans have been announced for a second temple in Fairbanks.
Excavation for the Foundation of the Anchorage Alaska Temple
Excavation has begun for the foundation of the new Anchorage Alaska Temple. At 30,000 square feet, the beautifully designed facility will greatly improve the patron experience in Alaska. The original temple was constructed on a sliver of land at the edge of the stake center parking lot. At just 6,800 square feet, the building was constructed in less than 9 months and soon proved to be undersized. Just four years after its dedication in 1999, the temple closed for an expansion that added over 5,000 square feet. The Alaskan saints now look forward to their new temple, which will serve for many years to come.
Preparing to Run Utilities for the Anchorage Alaska Temple
Demolition of the Brayton meetinghouse has been completed where the new Anchorage Alaska Temple will be constructed. A chain-link fence with a blue privacy screen surrounds the construction area so that patrons still have access to the current temple, located at the southeast corner of the property. Preparations are underway for running new water, sewer, and electric lines.
Demolition Begins to Make Way for the New Anchorage Alaska Temple
Demolition has begun on the Brayton building, which housed congregations belonging to the Anchorage Alaska Stake. The new Anchorage Alaska Temple will be built on the site of the meetinghouse next to the existing temple, allowing it remain open during construction. Once the new temple has been constructed, the former temple will be demolished, and a new meetinghouse will be constructed at that location. A distribution center building will also be constructed.
Alaskan Organizations Collect Donated Materials from Stake Center
The 50-year-old stake center for the Anchorage Alaska Stake is being disassembled and prepared for demolition to make way for a new temple building that will replace the current temple once it is completed. The retiring meetinghouse will bless over 25 organizations in Alaska in the form of donated materials. For example, volunteers from Alaska Children’s Institute for the Performing Arts in Kenai came on Saturday, February 17, to collect curtains, trim, finish wood, and a handicap access ramp for their theater that burned down three years ago. They had been crowd-sourcing materials and funds to rebuild ever since the fire. "These materials are a godsend," said Mayor Micciche.
Reconstruction of the Anchorage Alaska Temple Announced
The First Presidency has announced that the Anchorage Alaska Temple will be reconstructed as a new building where the adjoining meetinghouse is located. The existing 11,930-square-foot temple will remain open during the construction of the replacement 30,000-square-foot facility. Once completed, the former temple will be decommissioned, and a new meetinghouse will be built. Construction is expected to begin in early 2024 and be completed by the summer of 2026. The temple will have two instruction rooms with 40 seats each.
Temples Moving to Phase 4 of Reopening
Over the past month, 37 temples have moved to Phase 4 of reopening including five in Europe, seven in Brazil, and 25 in the United States. Under Phase 4, capacity restrictions are eliminated and face masks requirements are lifted if local government regulations allow. Appointments are still required for all ordinances. All other temples in operation are in Phase 3 except for the Suva Fiji Temple, which remains in Phase 1, and the Kyiv Ukraine Temple, which is temporarily closed.