Temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Antananarivo Madagascar Temple

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Photo:  Intellectual Reserve, Inc.

Groundbreaking Announced for the Antananarivo Madagascar Temple

The groundbreaking for the Antananarivo Madagascar Temple will be held on Saturday, March 15, 2025. Elder Denelson Silva, First Counselor in the Africa South Area Presidency, will preside. The temple will be built on a 9.8-acre site on Lalana Général Andrimahazo where an existing meetinghouse is located. The property is found in Fokontany Andranoro, Commune Ambohibao, Antehiroka in Antananarivo. Plans call for a single-story temple of approximately 10,000 square feet with patron housing and arrival facilities.
Photo:  Hyacinthe Yauness Rakoto

Location Revealed for the Antananarivo Madagascar Temple

On December 11, 2023, the location of the Antananarivo Madagascar Temple was announced as a 9.8-acre site next to a U.S. Embassy on Lalana Général Andrimahazo where the meetinghouse for the Ambohijanahary and Ambohimanarina Wards is located. The property is situated in Fokontany Andranoro, Commune Ambohibao, Antehiroka in Antananarivo. Plans call for a single-story temple of approximately 10,000 square feet with patron housing and arrival facilities.