5 April 2020Groundbreaking and Site Dedication:
24 May 2025 by Adeyinka A. OjediranSite:
2.17 acres | 0.9 hectaresArchitectural Features:
Single attached central spireOrdinance Rooms:
Two instruction rooms, two sealing rooms, and one baptistryTotal Floor Area:
30,700 square feet | 2,852 square metersElevation:
258 feet | 79 metersGroundbreaking Ceremony
Elder Adeyinka A. Ojediran, First Counselor in the Africa West Area Presidency, will preside at the groundbreaking for the Benin City Nigeria Temple on Saturday, May 24, 2025. This house of the Lord will be constructed on a 2.17-acre site located at 16 Commercial Avenue in Benin City. Plans call for a two-story temple of approximately 30,700 square feet with an arrival center and patron housing on site.
Temple Rendering
On March 24, 2025, the official exterior rendering for the Benin City Nigeria Temple was released to the public.1
Temple Site
On September 11, 2023, the location of the Benin City Nigeria Temple was announced as a 2.17-acre site located at 16 Commercial Avenue in Benin City. Plans call for a two-story temple of approximately 30,700 square feet with an arrival center and patron housing.2
Temple Announcement
Nigeria's third temple was announced by President Russell M. Nelson on April 5, 2020, at the concluding session of the 190th Annual General Conference. Church membership in Nigeria has grown at a steady pace since the first Nigerians were baptized in 1978. There are now more than 175,000 Latter-day Saints and approximately 650 congregations. Members in Benin City currently attend the Aba Nigeria Temple, which is located over 180 miles (300 km) away over roads that can be difficult to travel.3
Temple Facts
The Benin City Nigeria Temple will be the third temple built in Nigeria, following the Aba Nigeria Temple (2005) and the Lagos Nigeria Temple (announced).
- "Milestones Announced for Five Temples Around the World," The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints News Release, 24 Mar. 2025.
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints News Release, "Two Temple Sites in Nigeria Announced," 11 Sept. 2023.
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints News Release, "Prophet Announces Eight New Temples at General Conference," 5 Apr. 2020.