Temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Cali Colombia Temple

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Photo:  Intellectual Reserve, Inc.

Groundbreaking Held for the Cali Colombia Temple

A groundbreaking ceremony was held for the Cali Colombia Temple on Saturday, March 1, 2025. Elder Jorge T. Becerra, South America Northwest Area President, presided over the event and offered the site dedicatory prayer. Church leaders, local authorities, and community members were in attendance including the mayor of Cali, Alejandro Eder. "On this day of dedication," said Elder Becerra in his dedicatory prayer, "we ask Thee to help each of us to become renewed in our efforts to become true followers of Jesus Christ. Help us to live the gospel and more fully become converted to Thy Son."
Photo:  Nelson Fabian Ortiz

Cali Colombia Temple Site Ready for Groundbreaking

All of the debris has been cleared from the Cali Colombia Temple site ahead of Saturday's groundbreaking ceremony where Elder Jorge T. Becerra, president of the South America Northwest Area, will preside. Local members, who currently belong to the Bogotá Colombia Temple district, are thrilled at the prospect of having a temple so close. The 450-kilometer drive from Cali to Bogotá can take more than 9 hours.
Photo:  Nelson Fabian Ortiz

Preparing the Cali Colombia Temple Site for Groundbreaking

Significant advancements have been made to prepare the Cali Colombia Temple site for groundbreaking on Saturday, March 1. The French high school that formerly occupied the property has been demolished, and the debris is being removed. The historic city, officially known as Santiago de Cali, was founded by Spanish explorer Sebastián de Belalcázar on July 25, 1536.
Photo:  Intellectual Reserve, Inc.

Groundbreaking Date Announced for the Cali Colombia Temple

Elder Jorge T. Becerra, president of the South America Northwest Area, will preside at the groundbreaking ceremony for the Cali Colombia Temple on Saturday, March 1, 2025. The temple will be constructed on a 3.14-acre site on La Flora in Cali, Colombia. Plans call for a single-story temple of approximately 9,500 square feet. The temple will be Colombia's third. A fourth has been announced for Medellín.
Photo:  Nelson Fabian Ortiz

Demolition Activity at the Cali Colombia Temple Site

Demolition and landscape removal are progressing at the Cali Colombia Temple site. These activities will continue for several more months to prepare the ground for construction of the temple. The property is located in the northern section of the city near many residential high-rise buildings. Cali is the most populous city in southwest Colombia with over 2.2 million residents.
Photo:  Jose Trochez

Preliminary Construction to Begin at the Cali Colombia Temple Site

Signage has been posted on the gates of the former French high school, Liceo Francés Paul Valery, where the Cali Colombia Temple will be constructed. The sign announces preliminary construction activities, which will conclude by August of next year. The project will prepare the property for construction of the temple by removing the structures on site and clearing and grading the land.
Photo:  Intellectual Reserve, Inc.

Rendering for the Cali Colombia Temple Publicly Released

On September 23, 2021, the official exterior rendering was released for the Cali Colombia Temple. It will be built on a 3.14-acre site in the La Flora neighborhood of Cali, Colombia. The single-story, 9,500-square-foot temple will be the third for the nation of Colombia, joining the Bogotá Colombia Temple and Barranquilla Colombia Temple. No date for the groundbreaking event has been announced.