Temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Kaohsiung Taiwan Temple

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Photo:  James Lee

Building the Steeple Pedestal Atop the Kaohsiung Taiwan Temple

Reinforced concrete walls have been constructed for the main body of the Kaohsiung Taiwan Temple, and work has begun on building the steeple pedestal that sits over the center of the building. Hip roofs have been added to the ancillary buildings, located on the north and south sides of the property. Construction on the project began almost 16 months ago in November 2023.
Photo:  Arnie Chen

Concrete Forms Stripped from the Kaohsiung Taiwan Temple

The forms have been stripped from the cured concrete structural walls of the Kaohsiung Taiwan Temple, and a debris net has been attached to the scaffolding. The 10,900-square-foot house of the Lord has been under construction for just over a year. It stands on a 1.26-acre site next to the stake center for the Kaohsiung Taiwan North Stake.
Photo:  Rob Spear

Kaohsiung Taiwan Temple Taking Shape

Church members who attend the meetinghouse next to the Kaohsiung Taiwan Temple site enjoy a clear view of the construction progress. Wall forms are still in place for the structural walls while the concrete cures. The temple is located in the Niaosong District on the east side of Kaohsiung. Construction began 11 months ago when Elder Benjamin M. Z. Tai spoke of the "remarkable legacy of faith and dedication" of the early Church members in southern Taiwan.
Photo:  Vic Walker

Forming the Exterior Walls of the Kaohsiung Taiwan Temple

Wall braces hold the concrete forms that have been set for the exterior walls of the Kaohsiung Taiwan Temple. Columns of rebar rise above the forms from within the structure. Foundations are also in place for the supporting facilities that will flank the temple. Kaohsiung has a population of approximately 2.73 million people. It is third most populous city in the country and the largest city in southern Taiwan.
Photo:  陳駿得

Foundation Walls in Place for the Kaohsiung Taiwan Temple

The foundation walls for the Kaohsiung Taiwan Temple have been installed, and rebar is being set for the main floor. At the center of the building, forming is in place for the baptismal font. Construction is also progressing on two supporting facilities that will stand on either side of the temple. It is the second temple to be constructed in Taiwan and will serve Church members living at the southern end of the island.
Photo:  Fred Owens

Preparing to Pour Kaohsiung Taiwan Temple Floor Slab

Crews at the Kaohsiung Taiwan Temple site are interlacing and tying steel bars for the reinforced concrete floor slab of the temple. Once all of the bars are set, cement will be mixed with water to produce liquid concrete that is poured over the steel mesh and cures in place, resulting in a firm, load-bearing surface. An excellent view of the construction site is afforded by the third floor of the stake center across the street.
Photo:  Google

Site Cleared and Excavation Started for the Kaohsiung Taiwan Temple

A satellite image taken last month of the Kaohsiung Taiwan Temple site shows that the land has been cleared and excavation has begun for the buildings in the complex. A construction fence surrounds the property where materials have been staged and heavy equipment is in use. The groundbreaking event for this house of the Lord was held three-and-a-half months ago on Saturday, November 25, 2023.
Photo:  Intellectual Reserve, Inc.

Groundbreaking Ceremony Held for the Kaohsiung Taiwan Temple

Elder Benjamin M. Z. Tai, president of the Asia Area, presided at the groundbreaking ceremony for the Kaohsiung Taiwan Temple on Saturday, November 25, 2023. Approximately 500 Church members and friends, including the mayor of Niaosong District, attended the event on site while many others participated by broadcast. Since the Taipei Taiwan Temple was dedicated in 1984, members in the region have held monthly excursions, taking tour buses on full-day trips to participate in temple ordinances. Elder Tai honored the "remarkable legacy of faith and dedication" by these Church pioneers who "at great personal sacrifice, helped to establish the Church here in southern Taiwan." The 10,900-square-foot temple will be constructed on a 1.26-acre site next to the stake center for the Kaohsiung Taiwan North Stake. It is the second temple to be built in Taiwan.
Photo:  Robert C DeWitt

Groundbreaking Event Announced for the Kaohsiung Taiwan Temple

Elder Benjamin M.Z. Tai, president of the Asia Area, will preside and offer the site dedicatory prayer at the groundbreaking ceremony for the Kaohsiung Taiwan Temple on Saturday, November 25, 2023. The  temple will be built on a 1.26-acre site located at the intersection of Dachang Road and Dehua Street in the Niaosong District of Kaohsiung. Plans call for a single-story temple of approximately 10,900 square feet.
Photo:  Intellectual Reserve, Inc.

Rendering Released for the Kaohsiung Taiwan Temple

The official exterior rendering for the Kaohsiung Taiwan Temple has been released. The 10,900-square-foot temple will be constructed on a 1.26-acre site located at the intersection of Dachang Road and Dehua Street in the Niaosong District of Kaohsiung, across the street from the stake center for the Kaohsiung Taiwan North Stake.
Photo:  Robert C DeWitt

Site Announced for the Kaohsiung Taiwan Temple

A 1.26-acre property located across from the stake center for the Kaohsiung Taiwan North Stake has been officially announced as the location for the 10,900-square-foot Kaohsiung Taiwan Temple. The land is located at the intersection of Dachang Road and Dehua Street in the Niaosong District of Kaohsiung. It is the second temple to be constructed in Taiwan, joining the Taipei Taiwan Temple that was dedicated in 1984.