7 October 2018Groundbreaking and Site Dedication:
10 May 2025 by Alfred KyunguSite:
2.7 acres | 1.1 hectaresArchitectural Features:
Single attached central towerOrdinance Rooms:
Two instruction rooms, two sealing rooms, and one baptistryTotal Floor Area:
19,800 square feet | 1,839 square metersElevation:
5 feet | 2 metersGroundbreaking Ceremony
Elder Alfred Kyungu, Africa West Area President, will preside at the groundbreaking services for the Lagos Nigeria Temple on Saturday, May 10, 2025. The temple will be constructed on a 2.7-acre site located at Rumens Road and Bourdillon Road in the Ikoyi neighborhood of Lagos. Plans call for a single-level temple of approximately 19,800 square feet. An arrival center and patron housing will also be constructed on the site.
Temple Rendering
On March 24, 2025, the official exterior rendering for the Lagos Nigeria Temple was released to the public.1
Temple Site
On September 11, 2023, the location for the Lagos Nigeria Temple was announced as a 2.7-acre site located at the intersection of Rumens Road and Bourdillon Road in the Ikoyi neighborhood of Lagos. Plans call for a single-story temple of approximately 19,800 square feet. An arrival center and patron housing will also be constructed on the site.2
Temple Announcement
During a season of rapid Church membership growth in the country of Nigeria, the nation's second temple was announced by President Russell M. Nelson at the close of the 188th Semiannual General Conference. The Lagos Nigeria Temple will join the Aba Nigeria Temple in serving the country's 174,000 Latter-day Saints. Other African temples in operation include the Johannesburg South Africa Temple and the Accra Ghana Temple. Ground will be broken for the Abidjan Côte d'Ivoire Temple in November 2018, and the Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo Temple and the Durban South Africa Temple will be dedicated in the next year or two. Plans have been announced for the Nairobi Kenya Temple and Harare Zimbabwe Temple.3
Temple Facts
The Lagos Nigeria Temple will be the second temple built in Nigeria, following the Aba Nigeria Temple (2005).
- "Milestones Announced for Five Temples Around the World," The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints News Release, 24 Mar. 2025.
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints News Release, "Two Temple Sites in Nigeria Announced," 11 Sept. 2023.
- "Twelve Temples Announced as October 2018 General Conference Closes," The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints News Release, 7 Oct. 2018.