Montpelier Idaho Temple
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Lighting Installed Inside the Montpelier Idaho Temple Steeple
Lighting has been installed inside the steeple of the Montpelier Idaho Temple, beautifully backlighting the four stained-glass windows. Inside the building, drywall has been hung, and interior finish work is underway. Montpelier was settled by Latter-day Saint pioneers in 1863 and became a stop on the Oregon/California Trail. Today, visitors to the city can experience a simulated wagon trail experience at the National Oregon/California Trail Center located on North 4th Street.
Glorious Sunrise at the Montpelier Idaho Temple
Pink hues fill the horizon east of the Montpelier Idaho Temple as the sun prepares to rise on another day of construction. The photograph shows the west side of the temple, as seen from the street the runs between the temple and tabernacle. Hardscape structures are being installed on the west side, similar to those on the south side. It will be the eighth temple in Idaho.
A Frosty Winter Day at the Montpelier Idaho Temple
Winter has ushered in some frosty mornings to the beautiful Bear Lake Valley where construction of the Montpelier Idaho Temple is advancing. Inside this house of the Lord, carpenters are installing millwork including cabinetry, trim, and moldings. Outside, the entrance plaza is taking shape, and the cornerstone panel has been installed. It is inscribed with the anticipated year of dedication: Erected 2026.
Scaffolding Removed from the Montpelier Idaho Temple Steeple
A recent photograph of the Montpelier Idaho Temple shows the recently completed steeple under nighttime lighting. The cupola and stained-glass windows have been added to the newly clad tower, and the pedestal will be completed next. In the foreground is the John A. Bagley House, known locally as the Purple Sage. It is a three-story Queen Anne-style residence built in 1902 with a distinctive octagonal corner tower and original murals.
Inscription Stone Installed on the Montpelier Idaho Temple
The inscription stone has been hung over the arched entryway in the front portico of the Montpelier Idaho Temple, designating the sacred structure as The House of the Lord. Cladding of the tower base parapet walls has begun, and much of the steeple has been completed. Work is underway at the front of the building in preparation for the entrance hardscape. On the north side of the property, asphalt has been paved in the parking area.
Gold Cupola Installed on the Montpelier Idaho Temple Steeple
A shiny golden cupola was installed on top of the steeple of the Montpelier Idaho Temple yesterday. The pyramid-like structure arrived in two sections several weeks ago. The two halves were staged on site, joined together, and prepared for installation. After the cupola was lifted into place, a sleeve was guided into the opening, which would hold the finial. Finally, the finial itself was lifted by crane and inserted into the awaiting sleeve.
Stained Glass Delivered to the Montpelier Idaho Temple
Deliveries of stained glass are arriving at the Montpelier Idaho Temple. The glass for the steeple is the first to arrive, which is being unloaded and staged inside the structure. The clear-glass windows that will encase the stained glass are being lifted by crane and installed in the arched window openings. The metallic cupola and finial for the spire have been staged on site. Crews are also attaching hanging brackets for the fluted stone parapet panels along the top of the temple walls.
Exterior Cladding Progress at the Montpelier Idaho Temple
Exterior cladding of the Montpelier Idaho Temple is progressing steadily. On the west side of the building, cladding has reached the top of the second floor where a fluted frieze is being installed. With new street curbing in place around the temple site, the construction fence has been moved out to the perimeter of the property. Preparations for curbing and paving of the west parking lot have begun.
New Curb and Gutter Around the Montpelier Idaho Temple
Along the streets that border the Montpelier Idaho Temple site, crews have been pouring new curb and gutter with sidewalks soon to follow. Stone casing has been installed around the arched entryway of the portico, as exterior cladding continues to progress. The community was settled by pioneers in the mid-1860s and was originally known as Clover Creek. Its current name was given by Brigham Young who named Montpelier after the capital of his birth state of Vermont.
Scaffolding Removed from West Side of Montpelier Idaho Temple
Scaffolding has been removed from the west side of the Montpelier Idaho Temple, offering an unobstructed view of the beautiful exterior cladding. Depictions of flowers can be seen in the ornamented window casings, the spandrel panels between the first- and second-floor windows, and the belt course that runs above the arched window, just beneath the cornice. Inside the temple, the baptismal font has been installed and tested to hold water.
Decorative Spandrels Installed on the Montpelier Idaho Temple
On the west side of the Montpelier Idaho Temple, most of the exterior walls have been clad in concrete panels, and decorative spandrels have been installed in the spaces between the first- and second-floor windows. Cladding is also underway at the northeast corner, while sheathing of the entry portico has been completed on the south side. Metal flashing is being installed along the parapet.
Sidewalks Around the Montpelier Idaho Temple Site Removed
Heavy equipment is removing the old sidewalks around the Montpelier Idaho Temple site so that new sidewalks and landscaping can be established. Work continues on cladding the exterior of the temple with glass fiber reinforced concrete (GFRC) panels. The archways for the entry portico have been framed, and more windows have been installed. The temple has been under construction for just 11 months.
Cladding the West Side of the Montpelier Idaho Temple
On the exterior of the Montpelier Idaho Temple, glass fiber reinforced concrete (GFRC) panels are moving up the west walls. GFRC is a strong but lightweight alternative to architectural precast and natural stone that faithfully reproduces the look of these more expensive products. It allows for the widest possible range of artistic and architectural expression. Glass has been installed in several of the window openings, and much of the interior has been framed.
Exterior Cladding of the Montpelier Idaho Temple Begins
The first pieces of granite cladding were set in place along the base of the Montpelier Idaho Temple this week. Dozens of crates holding the stone pieces have been delivered and staged on site. Work continues on sheathing the steel frame and applying a waterproof coating. Construction on Idaho's eighth temple, which began less than 10 months ago, is moving forward at a commendable pace.
Sheathing the Exterior of the Montpelier Idaho Temple
Framing studs are being affixed to the exterior of the Montpelier Idaho Temple, followed by yellow sheathing boards that are reinforced with high-density glass fiber. On the west face of the building, the arched frame for the main window has been secured into place. Inside, ducts are being installed for the heating and air conditioning systems, and concrete has been poured for the remaining floor slabs.
Crews Top Out the Montpelier Idaho Temple
The final beam was installed today for the structural frame of the Montpelier Idaho Temple. To commemorate topping out the structure—a construction tradition that dates back centuries—an American flag was placed at the highest point. Although the structural framing is finished, light framing for the exterior and interior walls is still underway. Work has begun on attaching gypsum board sheathing to the temple exterior, and installation of the roof for the distribution center is well underway.
Portico Frame Secured to the Montpelier Idaho Temple
On the front (south) side of the Montpelier Idaho Temple, the frame for the portico has been secured to the building's structural frame. Despite the discomfort of the falling snow and cold temperatures, crews have been welding the roof deck to the top of the second story this week. Work also continues on the ground floor, which has been temporarily enclosed with plastic sheeting. The temple will Idaho's eighth.
Framing the Second Story of the Montpelier Idaho Temple
Crews at the Montpelier Idaho Temple are positioning steel cross beams and securing them to the growing structural frame for the temple. Heavy framing began two months ago, and progress is now well underway on the second story. Plastic sheeting has been attached to the main level to trap heat for the curing floor slab and to provide protection from the elements. Concrete is hard enough for foot traffic after 24 to 48 hours, but it requires 28 days to fully cure on average.
Preparing to Pour the Main Floor Slab for the Montpelier Idaho Temple
Crews are laying and tying rebar at the Montpelier Idaho Temple in preparation for the main level concrete floor slab. Heavy framing for the temple continues including the installation of staircases. House wrap is being attached to the distribution center building, which has already been framed and sheathed. The construction team was recently treated to a thank-you luncheon organized by the construction missionary couple.
Installing Foundations for the Montpelier Idaho Temple Ancillary Buildings
At the north end of the Montpelier Idaho Temple site, crews are installing foundations for the ancillary buildings. In the foreground (on the west side) is a mechanical enclosure for housing chillers underground where noise can be attenuated. A grounds building will be located in the center, housing lawn care and garden equipment. And a distribution center will stand on the east side, providing members access to Church materials.
Heavy Framing Gets Underway for the Montpelier Idaho Temple
The first columns for the superstructure of the Montpelier Idaho Temple were installed this week. The steel structure will grow over the coming months, using the numerous beams and columns staged on site. Before framing began, cranes lowered five components of the air handling system into the temple basement. The parts were covered in white plastic for protection from the weather.
Preparing to Pour the Basement Floor of the Montpelier Idaho Temple
With all of the foundation walls installed for the Montpelier Idaho Temple, preparations are being made to pour the basement floor slab. A vapor barrier has been laid down, and reinforcing steel bar is being set. At the north end of the property, soil has been excavated. Across the street from the project to the east, a Welcome Center and general contractor's office have been established at a former daycare building.
Building with Care the Montpelier Idaho Temple
Crews continue to form and pour the foundation walls of the Montpelier Idaho Temple. When forming the south walls, a roll of tape was accidentally dropped between the forms. At other construction sites, the incident would have been ignored and concrete pouring would have proceeded with the roll inside. In the case of the temple, however, a worker crawled inside the forms and retrieved the roll before pouring began. The concrete on the south side has now cured, and work proceeds on forming the north walls.
Building a Firm Foundation for the Montpelier Idaho Temple
A crane at the Montpelier Idaho Temple site lifts a steel concrete form and suspends it near an awaiting crew who are building the foundation walls for the 27,000-square-foot temple. The form is positioned next to a row of reinforcing steel bars, creating a cavity for the concrete to be poured. Construction of this House of the Lord, which began less than two months ago, is progressing smoothly.
Rebar Delivered to the Montpelier Idaho Temple Site
Excavation for the foundation of the Montpelier Idaho Temple has reached the target depth of 20 feet (6 meters). A sewer line was encountered at about 17–18 feet deep that will need to be rerouted before the foundation can be installed. Bundles of rebar have been staged on site in preparation for the concrete footings. The bottom surface of the excavation will be carefully leveled.
Excavation Underway for Montpelier Idaho Temple Foundation
A photograph taken of the Montpelier Idaho Temple site shows the progress being made on excavation for the foundation just one week following the groundbreaking. The temple will rise in the shadow of "M" Hill. The mountain monogram was first painted in 1923 by the Montpelier High School student body. The prominent letter was 158 feet high and 108 feet across, covering a whopping 17,064 square feet. It has since become a beloved symbol for residents in the Bear Lake region.
Groundbreaking Held for the Montpelier Idaho Temple
Elder Ryan K. Olsen, General Authority Seventy, presided at the groundbreaking for the Montpelier Idaho Temple on Saturday, June 17, 2023. Speakers and a children's choir assembled from local congregations were featured on the program for the event, which had over 600 people in attendance on site. In his site dedicatory prayer, Elder Olsen said: "We ask a special blessing on those who have gathered this day that they and their families will be given understanding and peace with confidence in Thy plan."
Site Preparation Underway for the Montpelier Idaho Temple
Heavy machinery has cleared and leveled the site for the Montpelier Idaho Temple, which is slated to begin construction following a groundbreaking event scheduled for Saturday, June 17, 2023. Asphalt is being removed from an access road and parking lot while preparations are made for running utilities to the property. Crews have started with burying existing power lines.
Exterior Rendering Released for the Montpelier Idaho Temple
The official exterior rendering for the Montpelier Idaho Temple has been released ahead of the groundbreaking that is scheduled to take place on June 17, 2023, with Elder Ryan K. Olsen, General Authority Seventy, presiding. The services will be broadcast live to all units in the proposed temple district. The temple will rise at the intersection of Washington Street and Sixth Street in Montpelier. The two-story building is about 27,000 square feet.
Groundbreaking Announced for the Montpelier Idaho Temple
Elder Ryan K. Olsen, General Authority Seventy, will preside at the groundbreaking ceremony for the Montpelier Idaho Temple on Saturday, June 17, 2023. The two-story temple of 27,000 square feet will be constructed on a 2.6-acre site at the northeast corner of Washington and Sixth Street. An exterior rendering of the temple will be released later. Attendance at the temple site is by invitation, but a live broadcast will be available to the members of the temple district.