Temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

News Stories

Photo:  Janet Erickson | Star Valley Independent

Angel Moroni Replaced on the Star Valley Wyoming Temple

When lightning struck the angel Moroni statue on the Star Valley Wyoming Temple a couple of months ago, no damage was immediately apparent. However, once the Temple Facilities Manager inspected the statue more closely, some blackening at the rear was discovered, and the decision from the Temple Facilities Department was to replace it. That replacement took place today with the help of two cranes—one to move the statues and the other to transport the crews.

Elder Bednar Dedicates the Star Valley Wyoming Temple

Wyoming's first temple was dedicated today in the town of Afton, originally settled by Mormon pioneers. The Star Valley Wyoming Temple becomes the 154th operating temple of the Church. Presiding at the dedication was Elder David A. Bednar. His wife, Susan Bednar, is a Star Valley native.

Star Valley Temple Cultural Celebration This Saturday

The Youth Cultural Celebration for the Star Valley Wyoming Temple will be held this Saturday at 7:00 p.m. at Star Valley High School. The event will be broadcast live at the Afton Tabernacle and can also be accessed online. Tickets have already been distributed for the venue location.

Star Valley Temple Open House Tours End Tomorrow

Tomorrow is the last chance for guests to tour the new Star Valley Wyoming Temple, located in the town of Afton. Tour reservations are free. The temple is the first in the state of Wyoming and will go into operation following its formal dedication on Sunday, October 30, 2016.

Star Valley Open House Tours Continue Through October 8

Mountains, hayfields, and wagon rides help paint a picture of the idyllic mountain setting where volunteers are warmly welcoming guests to the open house of the Star Valley Wyoming Temple. The public is invited to tour the temple through October 8, except for October 1 and 2.

Star Valley Wyoming Temple Opens for Tours on Friday

The public is invited to tour the Star Valley Wyoming Temple at an open house beginning Friday, September 23 and continuing through Saturday, October 8, 2016, excluding Sundays. Preview the temple interior by taking a virtual tour.

Preparing for the Star Valley Wyoming Temple Open House

White tents are going up on the grounds of the Star Valley Wyoming Temple as preparations are made for welcoming guests to the public open house from Friday, September 23, through Saturday, October 8, 2016. Wyoming's first temple will be dedicated on Sunday, October 30.

Filming for the Star Valley Temple Cultural Celebration

On Saturday evening, over 700 Primary children dressed in white and bearing candles gathered at the Star Valley Wyoming Temple grounds to film a sequence for the youth cultural celebration that will be held the evening before the dedication at Star Valley High School.

Three Weeks to Public Open House in Star Valley

The next temple to open its doors to the public will be the Star Valley Wyoming Temple, located in the cozy community of Afton. With the sod now laid, the landscaping is complete, and the temple is receiving its final touches on the interior. Make a reservation to tour the temple.

Reservations Available for the Star Valley Temple Open House

The Star Valley Wyoming Temple will open to the public for two weeks starting Friday, September 23, and continuing through Saturday, October 8, 2016. Guests should make reservations to tour the building using the online reservation system. All are welcome including children.

Greening Up the Star Valley Temple Grounds

More sod is going down at the Star Valley Wyoming Temple, quickly turning the drab dirt into a gorgeous green. Landscape bollards have been installed along the walkways to provide nighttime lighting for pedestrians. Free open house tickets will be made available in just one week.

Star Valley Wyoming Temple Open House Tickets

Free reservations for the public open house of the Star Valley Wyoming Temple will be made available through the online reservation system beginning Wednesday, August 17, 2016, at 10:00 a.m. The open house will be held Friday, September 23, through Saturday, October 8, 2016.

Landscaping the Star Valley Wyoming Temple Grounds

Beautiful green sod and newly planted trees have appeared on the grounds of the Star Valley Wyoming Temple as landscaping moves into full swing. To make way for the landscaping, the welcome center trailer has been permanently removed. Visitors are still welcome to hear a presentation on the temple by appointment in the meetinghouse located south of the temple.

Landscaping Advancements at Star Valley Wyoming Temple

Flanking either side of the monument sign at the Star Valley Wyoming Temple, short concrete landscape walls have been faced with a rustic light-colored ledge rock. Dark fence poles circle the temple, which have been dropped into place as landscaping of the grounds progresses.

Star Valley Spring

Spring is in full bloom in Wyoming's picturesque Star Valley where the beautiful Star Valley Wyoming Temple now stands. The temple will bless the Saints in this high-mountain valley where winter travel conditions can be harsh. The availability date for free open house tickets has not yet been announced.

Rain Clouds Over the Star Valley Wyoming Temple

In late May, spring showers created a beautiful backdrop for the Star Valley Wyoming Temple where workers are busy inside the building hanging sheetrock, painting walls, and adding millwork. Outside, forms are in place for pouring the walkways that will circle the temple.

A View of the Star Valley Wyoming Temple

New photographs of the Star Valley Wyoming Temple show the temple as seen from the tower of the historic Afton Tabernacle, which has stood as the spiritual center of Star Valley for over 100 years. The temple open house begins in about four months.

Watch the Angel Moroni Placed Atop the Star Valley Temple

Just as scheduled, the gold-leafed statue of the angel Moroni was set in place atop the Star Valley Wyoming Temple today at 11:00 a.m., exactly one year following the groundbreaking ceremony. A small crowd gathered around the temple site to witness the special occasion. Watch the video.

Rehearsal Held for Star Valley Temple Moroni Raising

On Saturday, April 23, a trial run was conducted for the placement of the angel Moroni atop the Star Valley Wyoming Temple, scheduled for Monday, April 25 at 11:00 a.m. It is a rare treat in temple construction for an announcement to be made of when the statue will be placed.

Angel Moroni to Ascend Atop the Star Valley Wyoming Temple

With the steeple now fully shingled at the Star Valley Wyoming Temple, Saints are looking forward to the placement of the angel Moroni statue atop the spire, scheduled for April 25 at 11:00 a.m. Star Valley's beautiful mountains are a striking backdrop for the temple, which will be dedicated in less than seven months.

Star Valley Temple Steeple Shingles

At the Star Valley Wyoming Temple, dark-colored shingles have been laid on the south side of the steeple. Earlier this month, art glass windows were installed in the window openings of the steeple.

Art Glass Added to the Star Valley Wyoming Temple Steeple

Beautiful panels of art glass were installed yesterday in the window openings of the Star Valley Wyoming Temple steeple. Temporary glass has been installed in other areas of the temple until it can be replaced with matching art glass. Construction of the temple began just ten and a half months ago and appears to be progressing ahead of schedule. The temple is the first for the state and will serve members in Star Valley and parts of Southeast Idaho.

Installing Window Frames and Glass at Star Valley Temple

On both the front and back sides of the Star Valley Wyoming Temple, workers have begun installing windows frames and temporary glass. As construction proceeds, the glass will be replaced with colored art glass, matching the design motif. Art glass is planned for the steeple as well.

Star Valley Wyoming Temple Progressing Rapidly

The attachment of stone cladding to the exterior of the Star Valley Wyoming Temple is finished, and progress continues on the interior. The temple is scheduled to be finished by the early months of 2017, though the dedicated construction workers appear to be ahead of schedule.

Additional Framing Added to Star Valley Wyoming Temple Steeple

Around the base of the spire of the Star Valley Wyoming Temple, additional steel framing has been added to create the desired shape. The rest of the spire and the entrance canopy are covered in a protective plastic sheeting.

Attaching Panels to Star Valley Temple Steeple

A large crane at the Star Valley Wyoming Temple is lifting exterior panels into place around the steeple. Construction of the temple is advancing steadily on the main highway that traverses the valley, just south of the town of Afton. Winter snow covers the surrounding mountains.

Star Valley Exterior

Exterior panels have now been attached to the majority of the Star Valley Wyoming Temple.

Second Webcam Installed for the Star Valley Wyoming Temple

The local news provider in Star Valley, Wyoming—the Star Valley Independent—is providing a second live view of the construction of the Star Valley Wyoming Temple. Over the past several days, a major portion of the exterior cladding has been attached to the main body of the temple. Construction is progressing rapidly.

Steeple Assembly Installed Atop Star Valley Wyoming Temple

The Star Valley Wyoming Temple reached a significant milestone this weekend with the installation of the steeple assembly over the temple entrance. On the north side of the temple, a light-colored exterior cladding is being attached to the building, which has been insulated and weatherproofed.

Star Valley Exterior Cladding and Steeple Framework

Construction of the Star Valley Wyoming Temple marches on with the arrival of exterior cladding, seen on the north side of the building, and steel framework for the steeple. The temple is expected to serve members from six stakes in Western Wyoming and Eastern Idaho.