Tuxtla Gutiérrez Mexico Temple
Temple District
The Tuxtla Gutiérrez Mexico Temple serves members from 7 stakes and 6 districts headquartered in Chiapas and Southeastern Oaxaca:
- Chojolhó México District
- Comitán México District
- San Cristóbal México District
- Tapachula México Izapa Stake
- Tapachula México Stake
- Tonalá México District
- Tuxtla Gutiérrez México Grijalva Stake
- Tuxtla Gutiérrez México Mactumatzá Stake
- Tuxtla Gutiérrez México Stake
Southeastern Oaxaca
- Chahuites México District
- Juchitán México Las Flores Stake
- Juchitán México Stake
- Matías Romero México District