Temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

San Jose California Temple

Harrisburg Pennsylvania Temple

Vienna Austria Temple

Planning and approval phase; site location announced; grass sewn over the boreholes that were drilled to the measure the groundwater; groundbreaking not announced


Silbergasse 2


4 April 2021


0.8 acres  |  0.3 hectares

Total Floor Area: 

15,300 square feet  |  1,421 square meters


616 feet  |  188 meters

Construction Status

The Vienna Austria Temple is currently in the planning stages. No groundbreaking date has been announced.

Temple Rendering

Renderings of the Vienna Austria Temple and site plan have not yet been publicly released.

Temple Site

On October 30, 2023, the location of the Vienna Austria Temple was announced as a 0.80-acre site located at Silbergasse 2 in Vienna. Plans call for a multi-story temple of approximately 15,300 square feet.1

Temple Announcement

On April 4, 2021, President Russell M. Nelson announced plans to construct the Vienna Austria Temple at the 191st Annual General Conference. Vienna is the capital and most populous city in Austria and home to about 5,000 Latter-day Saints. This will be the Church’s first temple in Austria, considered one of Central Europe’s cultural and economic centers. Orson Hyde, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles visited Austria in 1841. More than 20 years later, Elder Hyde and missionary William W. Ritter arrived in Austria to begin missionary work. Austria granted official government recognition to the Church in September 1955. More than a dozen temples are in Europe.2

  1. "Three New Temple Sites Announced in the US and Europe," The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints News Release, 30 Oct. 2023.
  2. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints News Release, "At April 2021 Conference, Prophet Announces 20 More Temples to Be Constructed," 4 Apr. 2021.