News Stories
Cladding the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple Tower
Cladding of the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple tower in stone has been the focus of the installing crews over the past several weeks. Once completed, the scaffolding will come down and the unfinished areas at the northwest corner of the temple and around the portico can be completed. The temple stands in a picturesque setting near a tree-covered knoll along the McKenzie River.
Bicycle Shelter Installed on the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple Grounds
On the grounds of the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple, two beautiful bicycle shelters are being installed to comply with a city ordinance that requires accommodations for bicycle lanes and shelters. The Welcome Center trailer will also be relocated to accommodate landscaping efforts. The temple is the third to be constructed in Oregon, filling in a gap that exists between the temples in Portland and Medford.
Cupola Assembly Installed on the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple
The cupola assembly was installed on top of the steeple of the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple this week. The installation took place in three parts, starting with the cupola at the base, followed by the placement of the finial, and ending with the insertion of the needle spire. The temple is being constructed at the base of a beautiful tree-covered bluff that stands along the McKenzie River.
Soft Landscaping the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple Grounds
The Willamette Valley Oregon Temple grounds are teeming with plants in their grow pots. Many have been placed at marked locations in the flowerbeds where they will be planted. Installation of the permanent fence around the property has made significant progress, and work is well underway on laying pavers for the front plaza where the concrete base for the monument sign is located.
Finish Work Progressing Inside the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple
Inside the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple, construction workers are taping and mudding drywalled rooms while craftsmen are installing millwork. On the exterior, granite cladding is making progressing, and clear glass has been installed in the window openings. Soft landscaping is being added to the grounds where trees have been planted, bushes and plants are being established, and grass seed is sprouting.
Scaffolding Erected Around the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple Tower
Scaffolding has been erected around the steeple frame of the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple in preparation for sheathing and stone cladding. Cladding of the main body of the temple is underway and will continue over the coming months. Plans to construct the temple were announced at the April 2021 general conference. The groundbreaking was held two years ago at the end of October 2022.
Overhead View of the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple
The advancing hardscape for the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple grounds can be seen in the accompanying overhead photograph. Curved parking lots have been installed on the east and west sides of the building while an entrance plaza is taking shape on the south side. Planters, walkways, and concrete slabs define spaces and bring beauty to the landscaping. The temple is the third to be constructed in Oregon.
Ornamental Fencing at the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple
Black ornamental fencing is being installed on the grounds of the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple. Concrete gate posts will be clad in a stone veneer to coordinate with the temple exterior. Additional window frames have been installed, and cladding of the exterior walls continues with granite quarried in Spain. Inside the temple, Italian marble is being used to tile around the baptismal font.
Installing Window Frames in the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple
On the north side of the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple, dark-colored windows frames are being installed. Decorative header panels will be attached along the top, and panes of glass will be fitted below. A vacuum test is performed to ensure that there are no leaks in the seals. In front of the entrance, crates of stone panels are staged where the work of exterior cladding continues.
Scaffolding Removed from Willamette Valley Oregon Temple Ancillary Buildings
Scaffolding has been removed from the ancillary buildings at the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple site. The masonry structures will house a distribution center and grounds maintenance facilities. The south sidewalk has been poured along International Way, and fence posts are being installed. Cladding panels continue to be hung on the exterior walls of the temple.
Mural Added to the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple Site
Visitors to the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple site are now greeted by a cheerful mural that has been painted on the side of a storage container across from the visitors' trailer. A local sister service missionary, who is an aspiring muralist, noticed the poor appearance of the container and used her talents to make it into something beautiful. Visitors are warmly welcomed at the construction site from 1:00–4:00 p.m. on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays; and from 2:00–5:00 p.m. on Sundays.
Beautiful Sunrise at the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple
Beams from the morning sun backlight the gray clouds over the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple on another day of construction. The structural frame for the temple topped out at the end of March, and a flag still flies over the steeple frame. On the exterior, the work of sheathing, waterproofing, and cladding all continue. The temple is rising on a picturesque site at the base of tree-covered hill in Springfield, Oregon.
Structural Framing of the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple Tops Out
Last week crews celebrated the topping out of the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple, signifying the completion of the heavy structural frame. A tree and flag were placed on top of the steeple in commemoration of the event, which is a tradition believed to date back to 700 AD when Scandinavians topped their newly completed structures with sheathes of grain. Light framing of the front portico and parapet is progressing while stone cladding is being hung on the exterior walls. On the grounds, installation of the hardscape continues including lamp posts and concrete planter boxes at the entrance.
Steeple Frame Rising for the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple
The steel frame for the steeple of the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple is rising from within the exterior walls forms. The completed structure will reach a height of 120 feet. Steel columns and beams are also framing the front portico and upper mechanical level. The work of cladding the exterior in granite panels is getting underway.
Mock-Up at the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple Site
A mock-up has been erected at the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple site, providing a physical example of how the temple exterior is being constructed. The walls of the temple were formed with ICF blocks and filled with concrete. A turquoise sealant is currently being applied as an additional moisture barrier. Concrete has been poured for the baptismal font and main floor slab. Steel framing for the roof will begin shortly.
Plastic Sheeting Over the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple
Plastic sheeting has been attached to the exterior walls of the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple, providing a way to regulate temperatures under winter weather conditions. On the west wall, pilasters have been framed and sheathed on either side of the main window. On the grounds, a layer of asphalt has been paved for the west drop-off zone, and lamp post installation has begun.
Curbing Installed at the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple Site
Hardscape installation has begun at the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple site where concrete curbing for the parking areas has been poured and cured. The main floor walls for the temple have been formed, and the upper walls will soon follow, rising from the center of the building. The joints in the insulated concrete forms are being sealed, leaving a brick pattern of dark lines.
Exterior Wall Forms for the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple
The white wall forms for the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple have reached the top of the main level. Forming on the east side has been limited to leave a wide opening to the interior that will be closed later. The stay-in-place forms are being filled with concrete using a pump truck with a long articulating arm called a boom. The gorgeous setting for the temple is enhanced by the fall leaves, light fog, and dark evergreen trees.
Saturday Sunrise at the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple
A breathtaking sunrise over the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple painted the sky in beautiful golden hues last month. The forms for the exterior walls of this House of the Lord rise a little higher each day. At the groundbreaking ceremony, held almost a year ago, Elder Valeri V. Cordón said in his site dedicatory prayer: "We pray that the temple will be a beacon of hope and peace that inspires this community to come unto Christ even in its construction phase."
Structural Walls Rising for the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple
The exterior walls for the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple are making their upward climb. Although metal forms are traditionally used to cast concrete walls in place, this project will use insulated concrete forms—a newer product that was also used in the construction of the Moses Lake Washington Temple. Insulated concrete forms combine insulation, moisture protection, and steel bar holders into interlocking, stay-in-place blocks that are more efficient and effective than traditional methods.
Pouring Footings for the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple
The walls for the partial basement of the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple can been seen above ground, and footings for the main level are being formed and poured. The exterior walls will be built with insulated concrete forms that stay in place. Construction is also underway on an ancillary building. Visitors to the construction site are well received and educated at the visitors' center trailer.
Building the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple Foundation
Construction of the concrete foundation for the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple is progressing. Using a 120-foot tall crane—the same height as the temple—reinforcing bar is lowered into the excavation pit where it is received and installed. A concrete mixer and boom truck work in tandem to deliver concrete through a long pipe and hose. The 37-inch base will be waterproofed before being backfilled.
Building Permits Approved for the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple
Construction of the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple is ramping up, following the approval of awaited building permits. Storm drains and pipes are being installed for the drainage system while the sewer line is being backfilled. Crews are also trenching for new water lines that will service the temple. The six-month anniversary of the groundbreaking will be reached at the end of the month.
Willamette Valley Oregon Temple Drainage System
Precast manhole sections were recently delivered to the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple site and offloaded near the location for the baptistry basement. The manhole will provide access to the site drainage system that is under construction. The temple is located at the southern end of the Willamette Valley next to the McKenzie River.
Fasting for Construction of the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple
Many members in the Willamette Valley recently participated in a fast for the construction of the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple. Excavation and site preparation activities have taken place, but the building permits needed to allow construction of the temple to move forward have not yet been issued. A lot of work is taking place behind the scenes including quarrying stone for the exterior cladding. Members are encouraged to continue fasting, praying, and attending the temple in Portland or Medford.
Excavation Underway for the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple
Excavation activity has begun at the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple site where a groundbreaking ceremony was held last month. Visitors to the construction site are invited to visit the Welcome Center trailer on weekdays from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. or by appointment. The missionary couple are happy to answer questions and to provide additional information on the current status of the temple and upcoming plans.
Groundbreaking Held for the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple
Elder Valeri V. Cordón, first counselor in the North America West Area presidency, presided at the groundbreaking for the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple on Saturday, October 29, 2022. The 30,000-square-foot temple will be constructed on a 10.5-acre site at the intersection of International Boulevard and Corporate Way in Springfield. Construction is scheduled to begin on Monday, October 31, and is anticipated to last two to three years. In his dedicatory prayer, Elder Cordón said: "We pray that the temple will be a beacon of hope and peace that inspires this community to come unto Christ even in its construction phase."
Site Clearing Underway for the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple
Heavy machinery has begun to clear vegetation from the site of the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple ahead of the groundbreaking ceremony that has been scheduled for Saturday, October 29, 2022. The choice piece of property is located east of Eugene in the city of Springfield, surrounded by beautiful natural features including groves of trees, rolling hills, and the meandering McKenzie River.
Groundbreaking Date Announced for the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple
The groundbreaking ceremony for the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple has been announced for Saturday, October 29, 2022. Elder Valeri V. Cordón, a General Authority Seventy and first counselor in the North America West Area presidency, will preside. The 10.5-acre temple site is located at the corner of International Boulevard and Corporate Way in Springfield, Oregon. Plans call for a single-story temple of approximately 30,000 square feet.
Location and Official Name Announced for Temple in Eugene, Oregon
The temple announced for Eugene, Oregon, in the April 2021 General Conference has been officially named the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple. The temple will be constructed on a 10.5-acre site at the intersection of International Boulevard and Corporate Way in Springfield, Oregon, a suburb of Eugene. Plans call for a single-story temple of approximately 30,000 square feet. The temple will serve more than 30,000 Latter-day Saints in West-Central Oregon. A groundbreaking announcement will be made later.