News Stories
Planting Vegetation on the Yorba Linda California Temple Grounds
On the grounds of the Yorba Linda California Temple, a variety of plants, trees, and shrubs are being planted in the flowerbeds and garden areas. Walkways are being paved, lamp posts installed, and fence panels hung. On the exterior, cladding and roofing are progressing as mechanical, electrical, and plumbing move forward on the interior. Tile is being laid on the floors and some of the walls as millwork is installed in the rooms.
Cladding the Entrance to the Yorba Linda California Temple
Sheathing of the Yorba Linda California Temple steeple has been completed, and the surface has been damp proofed in preparation for stone cladding. On the majority of the building's exterior, cladding has already been installed, leaving the detailed work of the front portico and steeple to be completed. Stacks of red clay tiles sit on the roof deck, ready for installers to use to shingle the roof and steeple dome.
Cupola Installed on the Yorba Linda California Temple
A handsome domed cupola has been installed on top of the steeple of the Yorba Linda California Temple, which will be shingled with red clay tile. Most of the building's exterior surfaces have been clad in marble and granite panels, but the front portico and steeple are yet to be completed. On the interior, millwork is being installed on the ceilings, and tile is being laid on the floors. Plumbing, electrical, and mechanical work are ongoing.
Cupola Staged Next to the Yorba Linda California Temple
The cupola that will crown the steeple of the Yorba Linda California Temple has been staged on site and is awaiting installation. In front of the building, palm trees have been planted in two even rows that lead to the entrance. Black posts are being set for the ornamental fencing, and stone cladding of the temple's exterior continues. The project officially began two-and-a-half years.
Progress Inside the Yorba Linda California Temple
Interior framing has been completed for the Yorba Linda California Temple, and work continues on wiring, plumbing, and installing ductwork for the heating and cooling system. Millwork for the ceilings of the celestial and sealing rooms are almost finished, and tiling on the walls and floors is getting started. On the exterior, the marble and granite cladding is well over halfway finished, and clear glass has been installed in all of the window openings. Stained glass will be installed behind the clear glass in the future.
Installing Glass in the Yorba Linda California Temple
Windows frames and glass are being installed in the window openings of the Yorba Linda California Temple. On the roof deck, tiles have been stacked and prepared for installation while cladding of the exterior walls in marble and granite panels is progressing. Yorba Linda is known as the "Land of Gracious Living." Although it is located in Greater Los Angeles Area, it retains a small-town character and strong sense of community.
Numerous Workers at the Yorba Linda California Temple Site
Construction of the Yorba Linda California Temple is advancing in all areas with some 125 laborers on site installing stone, hanging drywall, pulling wire, landscaping the grounds, and more. The exterior marble and granite is approximately 70 percent complete, and rooms on the interior are taking shape. A viewing trail is available to visitors on the west and south sides of the property.
Stone Cladding Progress at the Yorba Linda California Temple
Stone cladding of the exterior walls of the Yorba Linda California Temple is progressing swiftly. Marble has been secured to the east and west sides of the facade, leaving the portico and steeple to be completed. A darker granite will case the windows and the center archway of the portico, incorporating the inscription stone. Concrete crews have poured the main staircase and much of the parking lot curbing and walkways.
South Parking Lot of the Yorba Linda California Temple Paved
Curb and gutter has been installed for the south parking lot of the Yorba Linda California Temple, and the first layer of asphalt has been paved. It will be used as a staging area for building materials, heavy equipment, and office trailers. Inside the temple, technicians are installing the fire suppression system, wiring, air ducts, and water and sewer pipes. Shingling of the roof is close to completion, and cladding of the exterior continues. The structural frame for the steeple is up.
Framing the Yorba Linda California Temple Steeple
Framing for the steeple of the Yorba Linda California Temple has begun to rise over the front entrance. At the rear of the building, stone cladding is being hung on the exterior with a granite course along the base and marble panels on the walls. An underlayment has been installed on the roof deck in preparation for laying shingles. It is the second temple to be constructed in California's Orange County, joining the Newport Beach California Temple.
Structural Walls Completed for the Yorba Linda California Temple
Framing of the structural walls for the Yorba Linda California Temple has been completed, and framing of the steeple is anticipated to begin in the next few weeks. Installation of granite and marble cladding along the west and north walls of the temple is progressing, and an underlayment layer has been secured to the roof deck. Concrete crews are installing more hardscape elements while pipes and conduits are run.
Stone Cladding Begins at the Yorba Linda California Temple
Along the base of the Yorba Linda California Temple, installation has begun on a footing course of granite. The temple's two-toned exterior will combine a brownish red granite with a cream-colored marble. The marble will cover the majority of the exterior surfaces while the granite will be used for accent moldings along the base and around windows and entryways. Framing and utility rough-ins are progressing on the interior.
Framing the Roof for the Yorba Linda California Temple
A waterproofing sealant is turning the bluish exterior walls of the Yorba Linda California Temple a concrete-like gray. Inside the walls, steel framing is underway for the roof, the load-bearing walls and columns, and the window frames. Concrete has been poured for the baptismal font and stairs and for the curbing in the parking areas. Several shipments of marble and granite cladding have arrived, but prayers are requested for the prompt delivery of other materials that have been delayed in transit.
Majority of Exterior Walls in Place for the Yorba Linda California Temple
Forming of the exterior walls for the Yorba Linda California Temple is nearing completion, as is concrete pouring for the walls and foundation. Inside the structure, steel framing is underway for the load-bearing walls and roof. Six crates of fabricated stone have arrived from Spain for cladding of the exterior. Heavy equipment began site preparations and excavation at the temple site about 9 months ago.
Half of the Exterior Walls Up for the Yorba Linda California Temple
Forming of the exterior walls for the Yorba Linda California Temple is about halfway finished while installation of the underground utilities is nearly complete. Walls are going up for the grounds building, and several shipments of marble and granite exterior cladding have arrived from Spain. Structural steel framing is anticipated to begin in a couple of weeks, and delivery of the chiller unit is expected shortly.
Installing Underground Utilities for the Yorba Linda California Temple
Construction at the Yorba Linda California Temple site is active both above and below ground. While crews erect exterior wall forms on top of concrete footings, underground utilities are being installed for water, sewer, gas, electric, and data. A storm drain system is also going in underground. The basement floor slab has been poured, some plumbing roughed in, and several areas backfilled. The first delivery of white marble cladding for the exterior has arrived from Spain.
Forming the Structural Walls for the Yorba Linda California Temple
Forms are going up for the structural walls of the Yorba Linda California Temple. Insulated concrete forms (ICF) will be used, just as they are for the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple. ICF blocks are not stripped away after the concrete is poured. They stay in place, providing insulation and moisture protection. There are currently two temples under construction in California in the cities of Yorba Linda and Modesto. The temple in San Diego is undergoing renovation.
Structural Framing for the Yorba Linda California Temple Begins
With all of the concrete footings in place, steel framing for the Yorba Linda California Temple has begun. Decking has been installed for the concrete floor slab over the basement, and work has begun on the outbuildings. Landscapers will keep equipment in the grounds building, and a backup generator and air conditioning chiller will be located in the mechanical building. The first shipment of marble cladding for the exterior walls is on the way from Spain.
First Concrete Pour for the Yorba Linda California Temple
The first concrete pour for the footings of the Yorba Linda California Temple took place last month on Tuesday, August 15. Concrete workers carefully leveled each load that was delivered by the numerous cement trucks. Crews are now forming the walls for the partial basement and setting rebar for the footings of the main level. Guests to the construction site receive wonderful presentations on the project at the on-site Information Center.
Forming Underway for the Yorba Linda California Temple Basement
Concrete forms are being set for the baptismal font and basement footings of the Yorba Linda California Temple. Concrete will be poured in the coming weeks. At the rear of the property, dirt is being moved and compacted to create a firm pad for the maintenance building. Insulated concrete forms have been delivered for the exterior walls, and granite cladding is being preassembled and tested in Spain before being numbered, disassembled, and shipped to California.
Preparing for Concrete at the Yorba Linda California Temple Site
Excavation is advancing at the Yorba Linda California Temple site where crews are getting ready for their first concrete pours. Beautiful mature trees surround the property, which is located in an established area of the city on the site of a former meetinghouse. With months of delay behind them, members are excited to see construction moving forward on Orange County's second temple.
Excavation Begins for the Yorba Linda California Temple
Heavy equipment started the work of excavating for the foundation of the Yorba Linda California Temple this week. The excavated area must be certified after it is completed. Experts determine if it is at the correct elevation and that the soils and backfill have the proper load-bearing capacity. The on-site Information Center is available to the public Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. or by appointment.
Demolition Progress at the Yorba Linda California Temple Site
Relocation of the electrical transformer from the Yorba Linda California Temple site has been completed, and demolition of the remaining structures is underway. The concrete foundation of the former meetinghouse has been removed, and the detached steeple has been demolished. Demolition will continue over the next couple of weeks with rough grading expected to begin in May. The on-site missionary couple will open an Information Center on Monday. Regular hours are 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday through Friday, but appointments may be scheduled outside these hours.
Relocating a Transformer on the Yorba Linda California Temple Site
Before construction can begin on the Yorba Linda California Temple, an electrical transformer in the middle of the property must be relocated. Trenching for transmission lines along Bastanchury Road is expected to begin in the next couple of weeks. Once the trench is in place, a schedule will be set for relocation of the electrical equipment. Construction of the temple will follow soon afterward.
Traffic Commission Approves Yorba Linda California Temple Plans
On September 22, the City of Yorba Linda Traffic Commission approved traffic plans for the construction and future opening of the Yorba Linda California Temple. Project representatives are acquiring the necessary approvals and permits for construction of the temple to begin. A water truck visits the property regularly to keep down dust and to water existing vegetation. An electrical transformer located near the center of the site must be relocated before demolition of the parking lot can begin. The formal groundbreaking event was held in June.
Ground Is Broken for the Yorba Linda California Temple
"It is an honor to be here on this beautiful California summer day to dedicate this site for the construction of a sacred temple," said Elder Mark A. Bragg, a General Authority Seventy, at the groundbreaking ceremony for the Yorba Linda California Temple held on Saturday, June 18, 2022. The 30,000-square-foot temple will be constructed on a 5.4-acre site at Bastanchury Road and Osmond Street where a former meetinghouse was recently razed. It will be the second temple constructed in Orange County, joining the Newport Beach California Temple. In his site dedicatory prayer, Elder Bragg said, "We pray for Thy spirit to pour down on this area that we might dedicate our efforts to stay on the covenant path and to help others enter and stay on that path."
Updated Rendering Released for the Yorba Linda California Temple
In compliance with permitting and zoning requirements, the exterior design for the Yorba Linda California Temple has been altered. The steeple has been significantly lowered and moved from the center of the building to just above the entrance. The groundbreaking ceremony for the temple will be held a week from tomorrow on June 18, 2022. Elder Mark A. Bragg of the Quorum of the Seventy will preside.
Yorba Linda California Temple Plans Conditionally Approved
Plans for the Yorba Linda California Temple were approved by the City of Yorba Linda Planning Commission in a 4-1 vote on Wednesday, May 11, 2022, with the condition of a reduction in the proposed steeple height. The concept site plan shows a south-facing temple with a front walk flanked by royal palms. The building will be surrounded by 172 parking spaces and beautiful landscaping. A grounds building and utility enclosure are also planned. Preparations continue for the groundbreaking event to be held on Saturday, June 18, 2022.
Groundbreaking Event Announced for the Yorba Linda California Temple
Elder Mark A. Bragg of the Quorum of the Seventy will preside at the groundbreaking ceremony for the Yorba Linda California Temple on Saturday, June 18, 2022. The temple will be constructed on the 5.4-acre site of a meetinghouse and baseball diamond at the intersection of Bastanchury Road and Osmond Street. The entire site will be cleared to make way for the 30,000-square-foot temple—the ninth for the state of California.
New Rendering Reveals Yorba Linda California Temple Exterior
A newly released exterior rendering for the Yorba Linda California Temple reveals the Mission Revival-style design for the building. The temple will be constructed on the 5.4-acre site of an existing meetinghouse at the intersection of Bastanchury Road and Osmond Street. The single-story building will be approximately 30,000 square feet. No groundbreaking date has been set.